The content on this page relates to that set out in circular PCA(O)2025(01), which advises of time-limited grant funding being made available by the Scottish Government to support community optometry practices in possessing a portable slit lamp for use in the provision of General Ophthalmic Services in domiciliary settings (i.e. the place where a patient normally resides). This grant is being paid under section 1A of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978.

Applicants should ensure they have fully read and understood the content of circular PCA(O)2025(01) before proceeding to submit any grant claim to NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) - in particular the qualifying criteria set out in paragraph 10 of the circular, and the claim submission process set out in paragraph 12 of the circular.


The portable slit lamp grant funding claim forms will shortly be available to download at the following links. Please ensure you use the correct claim form, depending on the practice type - if in any doubt about which one to use, check with the practice owner in the first instance and if still in doubt please email the Scottish Government at

* “Practice premises” and “mobile practices” take the meaning as defined under Regulation 2 of the National Health Service (General Ophthalmic Services) (Scotland) Regulations 2006.


Applicants must submit the relevant completed grant claim form from a personal NHS email account to NSS at with 'Portable Slit Lamp Grant' in the subject field by Monday 31 March 2025, and in addition comply with either of the following in full before any grant payment will be made:

  • For practices in possession of the portable slit lamp equipment at the point of submitting the grant claim form, the applicant must also submit to NSS (with the claim form) a relevant receipted invoice and serial number for each equipment.
  • For practices not in possession of the portable slit lamp equipment at the point of submitting the grant claim form, the applicant must also submit (with the claim form) satisfactory evidence of having ordered the equipment. Once the practice has taken possession of the portable slit lamp equipment, the applicant must additionally submit to NSS relevant receipted invoice(s) and serial number(s) for the equipment.

The claim form must be completed and signed by the practice owner or a person who is authorised to sign on their behalf.