
Set out below is the devolved (Scotland) and reserved (UK) primary and secondary legislation relevant to the provision of General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) eye examinations and NHS optical vouchers in Scotland.


Devolved (Scotland) - primary legislation:


Devolved (Scotland) – secondary legislation and the Statement:


Reserved (UK) - primary legislation:


Reserved (UK) - secondary legislation:


* - Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

The legislation.gov.uk website may not initially display the most up-to-date version of this legislation. To find out what amendments have been made to a specific piece of legislation:

  • Access the legislation by clicking on one of the above links or finding it via the search tool on the legislation.gov.uk website
  • Select ‘More Resources’ from the menu bar (to the right of ‘Content’)
  • Select the ‘Affecting [Full name of legislation]’ link under the ‘List of all changes’ section.

This will then display a full history of the amendments made to this legislation, which can be sorted in various different ways.