Date of last review: Due to be updated

Differential Diagnosis

  • Manifest vs Latent strabismus
  • Presence or absence of binocularity
  • Effect of refraction on Strabismus

Possible Management by Optometrist


  • Correction of refractive error


  • Refer to Orthoptist and Hospital Eye Service if patient presenting with symptomatic visual difficulties

Management Category

  • Early referral for manifest strabismus advised to exclude underlying pathology

Possible Management by Ophthalmologist

  • Identification of underlying pathology, and onward referral, as appropriate
  • Surgical Intervention

Possible Management by Orthoptist

  • Overcome associated amblyopia
    • Occlusion techniques
  • Strengthen binocularity where appropriate
    • Optical and Orthoptic exercises
  • Advice on surgical management
    • Timing
    • Procedure
    • Amount